Saturday, August 23, 2008


You have no idea how much I would like to tell you about relaxing, going around visiting people and places, and generally recuperating in the time between the departure of our household goods and the departure of us. I'd love to tell you about the great conversations, full of laughter and fond memories, about the hugs and tears and promises to come to see us in our mountain paradise.

Cain't do it. Still adrift in a sea of papers and parts and I-don't-know-what-all. Bob had to go down to Perry County to take care of some property-related business and I have been doing my best to sort through stuff and make decisions about storing or selling or trashing.

I was supposed to have a pedicure today but the lady who was going to pamper me has been sick all week. :..( I had a gift certificate but it was going to expire next month and I really don't have the time for one next week... so I bought some skin care products. I can always use them, but oh! how I wanted that pedicure!

Ah, well, I can always get one in Boquete.

Oh! Some of you have wondered whether I was going to try to work in Panama, and I have had to say "no" as I don't believe my nursing license would transfer. I received an email today, however, offering training for volunteers in Boquete's new hospice program. While I won't be in Boquete for the initial training sessions, I am sure that there will be many other opportunities for training and service. Pray that doors will open.

Sorry this is short, but the salt mines are calling...

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